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The meniscus in the knee, are two C-shaped fibrocartilage structures that are positioned between the femur and the tibia. They act as shock absorbers, and help the round ball shape end of the femur, to articulate with more congruency with the tibia, essentially making the top of the tibia more socket shaped.
Due to the complex movements of the knee joint, combined with general wear and tear with life, the meniscus can be prone to injury, particularly with twisting while playing sport, and standing from a squatting position. Dr Agolley is a Knee surgeon on the Gold Coast who performs knee arthroscopy to repair meniscal tears.
The meniscus that is injured determines which side of the knee pain is generally experienced. For medial (inside of the knee) meniscal injuries, the pain is experienced on the inside of the knee, and vice versa for the lateral meniscus. There may be associated catch, locking or clicking in your knee.
Walking and squatting aggravate the pain, and you may have difficulty running or climbing ladders/stairs.
Plain x-rays are always essential to the initial assessment of knee injuries, and MRI scans are always helpful with the diagnosis.
After non-surgical treatments are exhausted such as physical therapy and regular pain relief, Dr Agolley will help guide you if surgery would be the best options for your symptoms. Arthroscopy is the main procedure Dr Agolley uses to treat meniscal injuries.
The options are trimming away the torn portion, or repairing the torn portion of meniscus. Dr Agolley will always attempt to preserve as much meniscus as possible, and to repair torn meniscus when it is likely to heal, as this preservation technique will help to minimise ongoing arthritis in your knee joint over time.
Knee arthroscopy is ‘key hole’ surgery that Dr Agolley performs through very small incisions, for a multitude of knee pathology.
For more information, see the American Academy or Orthopaedic Surgeon website.
All hours listed in Queensland time.
Copyright Dr David Agolley