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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are your business hours?

A: Our practice hours are from 8:00am to 5:00pm QLD time, Monday to Friday. Appointments can be made by clicking on this contact us test link

Q: What should I bring to the appointment?

When you come for your appointment, remember to bring the following:

  • Referral letter from GP or other doctor
  • If you have a referral from your allied health professional please bring that also
  • Medicare card, DVA card, Pension card
  • Private Health insurance information
  • Your Workers Compensation claim number and case manager details
  • All scans and imaging

To each new and follow-up appointments, please bring with you all of your scans or CD of all images, and reports, or all X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans, etc. and any other relevant information.

Q: What Should I Wear to My Appointment?

A: If you are seeing Dr Agolley for a lower limb concern, then please wear or bring a pair of shorts. If you are seeing Dr Agolley for an upper limb concern, then please wear a singlet under garment.

Q: What Should I Expect on My First Appointment?

A: Dr Agolley will take a thorough general medical and surgical history from you. He will also ask many questions about your specific orthopaedic concern. We recommend you bring someone with you, as you will discuss many things, and it can be difficult to recall all of the conversation. Dr Agolley will assess your imaging and may request more if indicated.

Q: What are Dr Agolley’s fees?

A: If you need an operation, then Dr Agolley’s staff will be able to provide you with a cost estimate for your surgery after your consultation with Dr Agolley.

The cost of a procedure depends on the duration and complexity of the procedure. We will not be able to give you a quote until after Dr Agolley has made a thorough assessment of what is required. It is important that you ask if there is any gap, prior to receiving your treatment. Please note that the coverage for various operations varies greatly depending on the Insurance company involved. Therefore, your out of pocket expense may vary to someone else you know in a different health fund. For any operations done in a private hospital, or as a private patient in a public hospital, there are usually additional fees including:

  • Dr Agolley’s fee
  • The Assistant in surgery fee
  • The Anaesthetist fee
  • The Hospital fee
  • Any scans or x-rays that are required may attract a fee

Dr Agolley has no bearing on fee’s other than his own. His staff will help you understand the process, and give you contact details of other health providers so you can discuss their fees with them if you request.

Q: Do I Need to Have Private Health Insurance?

A: You do not need private insurance to have an operation under Dr Agolley. If you do not have private health insurance, you have two options to receive care under Dr Agolley.

  1. You can choose to ‘self fund’ in a private hospital. This means that you are responsible for all costs incurred for your operation from your own pocket. This allows you to choose your doctor, the location and timing of your surgery. This process will result in a higher out of pocket payment than if you were in a health fund. It is particularly important to note that hospital stay, operating theatre time, and prostheses/implant costs can be high, as Medicare does not cover any of these expenses in a private hospital. You may receive a quote from Dr Agolley, the Anaesthetist and the hospital at your request.

  2. You can be treated at the Tweed Valley Hospital as a public patient. You will not have any out of pocket expense as all of your treatment is covered under Medicare. You will be placed on a surgery waiting list, which may vary from a few weeks, to several months, depending on the urgency of your condition. The Tweed Valley Hospital are public teaching facilities, and as with surgery performed in all public teaching hospitals across Australia, some or all of your surgery may be performed by surgeons in training (Registrars or Fellows). Dr Agolley will be there to supervise his training surgeons. If you have concerns about this, then you will need to discuss it with Dr Agolley at your appointment.

Q: Does Dr Agolley offer ’No Gap’ Joint Replacements?

A: Dr Agolley is passionate about patient care and has partnered with nib to offer hip and knee joint replacement surgery with no-out-of pocket expenses through the nib clinical partners programme. Find Dr Agolley on the nib clinical partner search.

Q: Can Dr Agolley help to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses?

A: Yes. Dr Agolley is also a partner of Medibank’s GapCover scheme.

Q: How can I make payment?

A: Fees will be discussed at your appointment. There is a fee payable for the consultation, and if you require surgery, a subsequent fee for the operation. Payment can be made by cash, bank cheques, or credit card (VISA, MasterCard).

Q: How do I get to the John Flynn Medical Centre consulting rooms?

A: Dr Agolley is located at the John Flynn Medical Centre, Suite 4F . from the main hospital foyer, make your way to the pharmacy, and walk across the road in to the medical centre. Take the lift to the 4th floor, make a right turn out of the lift and head down the corridor.

The Medical Centre is the building that DOES NOT have the coffee shop.

Q: How do I get to the Gold Coast Private Hospital consulting rooms?

Gold Coast Private Specialist Suites are at Gold Coast Private Hospital , 14 Hill Street Southport (off Parklands Drive).

Q: Is there parking at John Flynn Medical Centre?

A: The hospital has ample parking, however at times the hospital is very busy and you may have to walk a long distance. Therefore you need to plan to arrive at the hospital 30 minutes prior to your appointment. There is paid undercover parking half way up the hospital drive. There is free open parking everywhere else on hospital grounds. There is a hospital shuttle golf cart to help get you up the hill to the medical centre, and back to your car.

Q: Is there parking at Gold Coast Private Hospital?

A: Please see the Gold Coast Private Hospital car parking page for more information.

Q: Where does Dr Agolley operate?

A: Dr Agolley currently operates at John Flynn Private hospital, Tweed Valley Hospital and The Gold Coast Private Hospital.

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