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Dr Agolley is an orthopaedic surgeon on the Gold Coast with a special interest in both Non-surgical and Surgical Management of Hip, Knee, Sports and Trauma Injuries.

Non-surgical Management

On your consultation with Dr Agolley, he will take a thorough history and perform a thorough examination of your musculoskeletal problem. He will then discuss with you all of your non-surgical, and only if necessary, surgical options. Dr Agolley understands the complexities of orthopaedic surgery, and all procedure, no matter how minor, are associated with some potential complications. Therefore Dr Agolley will discuss your non-surgical management options with you.


Dr Agolley will educate you about your orthopaedic problems. There is a lot of informative material on this website, and if you would like to read a little about your problem prior to coming to see Dr Agolley, please click here.

Once you understand more about your problem, you can discuss your aims and goals with Dr Agolley, and with Dr Agolley construct a reasonable plan for you to achieve these things.

Lifestyle Modifications

Many orthopaedic problems are a result of our lifestyle. From one extreme of not being active, gaining weight and loosing bone quality contributing to bone and joint damage, to the other extreme of being very active and sustaining injury as a result. Sometimes, living within our limitations, modifying our job and sport, dieting, part taking in low impact sports and not having, surgery is a reasonable option.

Medical therapy

Dr Agolley will discuss your medical management of your orthopaedic problems and optimize them with you. Sometimes, injections in to or around a joint may be required to alleviate pain whether temporarily or even permanently. Dr Agolley will recommend this to you if appropriate.


Dr Agolley will refer you on to other health specialists if indicated for your overall health care. You may require specialists to manage your heart, lung or diabetic problems. You may also have other surgical related problems that need attention prior to your orthopaedic problem. Dr Agolley often uses allied health professionals to assist with your management. This may include, physiotherapy, exercise physiology, occupational therapy, massage, podiatry and dietetics.

Surgical Management

Dr Agolley has a subspecialty interest in pathology of the hip and knee.

Learn more about the various surgeries performed by Dr Agolley:

Acute Hip and Knee Sports Injury Clinic

Dr Agolley understands the difficulty for patients acquiring appointments at short notice. The clinic therefore has an acute sports injury clinic that runs on Mondays, with additional reserved sessions for acute sports injuries throughout the week.

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