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Visiting from Interstate or Overseas

Dr Agolley is happy to accommodate overseas travellers looking for an opinion or to have surgery. Dr Agolley’s staff can help facilitate your flight bookings, transfers and accommodation options.

Dr Agolley performs some very sub-specialised procedures that are not performed commonly, and patients may travel to see Dr Agolley, for an opinion and surgery.

Prior to your travel, we will acquire as much information as possible from you and your referring family doctor or orthopaedic surgeon. Dr Agolley will also have a video conference with you, preferably in the presence of your family doctor or orthopaedic surgeon and interpreter if required, to help make an accurate diagnosis and to ascertain if you would benefit from travelling to see Dr Agolley.

Prior to travel to see Dr Agolley, you will need to provide

  • Your complete medical history
  • All of your imaging as requested by Dr Agolley via CD
  • Have a telephone conference with Dr Agolley (interpreter will be arranged if required)
  • Have a video conference with Dr Agolley, yourself, and preferably with your referring family doctor or orthopaedic surgeon in the same room as you

Contact us for more information.

Visiting from Interstate or Overseas | Dr Agolley Orthopaedic Surgeon
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