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The Pre-admission Clinic

Before your surgery, you may be requested to attend the Pre-admission Clinic. This is a clinic where you will meet many different health professionals who will ask you details about your medical history, and help you understand the hospital process. You will find yourself repeating yourself many times and we understand that this may seem frustrating. The reason for this is that each health professional wants to know about you, from you in your own words. This also gives you an opportunity to get to know your health professional. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

How to prepare

To streamline the process, you can prepare the following information. You can use this information to fill the New Patient Registration form at the practice, or alternatively submit and fill the New Patient Registration online form before you attend the practice.

  • Details of all of your medical and surgical history. Even if you think it is unrelated to your surgery with Dr Agolley. You may be able to get a summary from your GP.
  • A list of all of your current medications, the names, doses and frequency. This can be found on the label of your medication box or on the blister pack. Alternatively you may also get your summary medication list from your GP.
  • A list of your medication allergies or any reaction that you may have had to a medication that affected you in a negative way.
  • Details of dietary restrictions.
  • Details of your health insurance (Medicare, DVA and private hospital insurance cards)
  • Details of your next of kin details, or designated family member or friend that will be our contact person to receive information from us and pass it on to the rest of your family if you wish.

What to expect

At the Pre-Admission Clinic, you will see a nurse who will take you through a questionnaire and discuss the admission and hospital process. You will discuss the expectations of your hospital stay before and after surgery. You may also have the following tests.

Blood Test

Basic blood tests will be taken to assess that you have a normal blood count, kidney function and blood biochemistry. You may also have a sample taken for blood cross match in the event of blood transfusion being necessary.


An Electrocardiograph (ECG), is an electrical picture of how your heart is functioning. Occasionally underlying heart problems may be indicated by this test. It is not uncomfortable to have the test.


If you have not had an x-ray within the last year for your operation site, you may require a recent set of x-rays.

Urine sample

You may be required to give a sample when you arrive to rule out a urinary tract infection.

Skin Swabs

We routinely acquire skin swabs to assess if you are a carrier of certain resistant bacteria on your body. If this is the case, you may be required to take some treatment prior to your hospital admission. The nursing staff will guide you on this.

Information about preparation for Surgery

Prior to leaving, the nurse will give you instructions of how to apply a special wash to your body the day prior to your surgery.


You may also see an Anaesthetist. An Anaesthetist is the doctor who will give you pain relief during and immediately after your operation, and the anaesthetic for your operation. The doctor you see in the preadmission clinic may not be the anaesthetist on the day of your surgery giving your anaesthetic, but they will discuss with you the anaesthetic process, and answer any questions you may have about anaesthesia and pain relief during and immediately after your operation. Dr Agolley, or the Anaesthetist, may require you to see other Medical Specialists prior to your surgery date, to optimize your health, giving you the best outcome, and minimizing complications during your procedure and recovery.

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